Saturday morning football

Created by joyce 9 years ago
I have many funny stories about Tracey and I,but one that sticks in my memory and still makes me laugh freezing Saturday morning watching our lads play football I came across a picture on my phone of a willy dressed up as a pig(no idea where it was from?) LOL. Both of us cold and bored,we spotted Paul Scholes standing behind us. Tracey being Tracey told me to scan my blue tooth to see if we could find him,so I did and came across one aptly name Paul. She dared me to send it in the hope it was him,so I did and we waited and watched. He did take out his phone,looked at the picture then scanned the area in confusion as to who had sent it. We couldn't contain ourselves and laughed so much we cried. Bloody brilliant memory of her,and that's what I loved most about her......couldn't give a crap let's just do it!! So Paul we hold our hand's up it was us.